
Showing posts from January, 2018

Difference Miom and ovarian cysts that are important to know

Miom and ovarian cysts are the two types of benign tumors in female reproductive organs , which are different but often are considered the same. Understand the difference miom and ovarian cysts can help you to recognize the symptoms and avoid the dangerous risk . Difference miom and ovarian cyst is most recognizable from its form and its location . Miom is the growth of a benign nature of the muscle wall of the uterus. Meanwhile, ovarian cyst is a SAC containing fluid that develops in the ovary or ovaries . Ovarian cysts can grow in the ovaries part left, right , or on both ovaries . Woman having stomachache Ovarian cyst and Miom differences based on the causes The exact cause of the onset of miom remains a question mark. But there are several factors that can trigger growth , among other things : Genetic If Grandma, mother, or sister You never had the miom , you also potentially has miom .

7 ways to Overcome the annoying canker sores on the tongue

Thrush was impressed however trivial . If left thrush can cause a dangerous infection . When thrush eating any so bad and makes your appetite decreased dramatically. Really annoying huh? If you are having canker sores on the tongue should immediately contact your doctor, it can prevent infection. Ladies, here is how to do treatment canker sores on the tongue while at home. Yuk , see explanation below. 1. Limit consumption of products containing sugar and yeast. Sweet foods can enhance the development of the fungus that makes the more severe thrush. 2. Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day. Try to use dental floss to remove leftover food that can cause thrush. And the most important replace the toothbrush 3 months without waiting for a toothbrush is broken. 3. When thrush avoid using mouthwash , the use of these medications will make mouth ulcers getting worse . Use if recommended

the way the prevention of typhoid

Typhoid Typhoid fever is an infectious disease in the intestine that is caused by the salmonella bacteria . Usually marked by fever where temperature rises gradually to make sufferers chills . Fever usually occurs at night and subsided , then going up again in the next night . Other symptoms may include headache, pain in the abdomen , heart rate decreased , until the loss of appetite. Transmission • Through the tainted food salmonella bacteria . This can occur because the source of unhealthy food or cleaning were not good before the food was eaten . Even in some cases , there are caused by sticking his flies on the food that had previously stood in the feces or the feces belonged to sufferers of typhoid . Finally the flies become the intermediary for transmission of typhoid . • Through the hands and nails are not clean , so without us even realizing salmonella bacteria that could be present o

Lowers the risk of cancer with healthy food and Exercise

Cancer is a scary Specter became one of the biggest causes of death around the world. According to data from the World Health Organization WHO, in the year 2015 there are as many as 8.8 million people who died of cancer. The figure indicates that the cancer is one of the six most lethal diseases that affect the world's mortality figures. However, 30 to 50% of the cases of cancer was still preventable. Cancer prevention can be done by applying surefire strategy in order to make the public aware of the danger of the disease, one of them by providing information and support to implement a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle can be implemented with a variety of ways, one of which is to get used to eating healthy food and drink or with physical activity or sport. Keep your food intake into the body could be one of the keys to effectively prevent myself stricken with cancer. According to research, there is a significant relationship between being overweight or obese with various

Lifestyle and cancer risk

Cancer remains the leading cause of death in Indonesia . According to data reported by the Ministry of health , in 2016 and then the number of cases of cancer in Indonesia crept up into 1.3 million cases from the previous one is still 1.2 million cases in the year 2015 . 30% of the cases of cancer deaths ever known to be caused by unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of consumption of fruits and vegetables , and also obese or overweight condition . The question is, why obesity might increase the risk of cancer even to fold over and over ? Based on the results of the study by a team of scientists World Health Organization (WHO) years 2016 and then , it was revealed that adults who have a body mass index (BMI) high or experiencing obesity can double the risk of esophageal cancer when they grow older. This study specifically refers to the tendency of women with a high BMI and risk of

What Are The Restrictions Of Diabetes? This explanation

For diabetics, selecting food intake is very important. Because, there are certain food groups that should be consumed, there are also other food groups that are best avoided. Thus, diabetics can control blood sugar. Note Any Dietary Restrictions Of Diabetes Whether It's Diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which there is an increase in blood sugar levels. This happens because the body cannot produce insulin or the cells in the body become less sensitive to insulin. In fact, insulin is a hormone that plays an important role in helping to control sugar levels in the blood. The symptoms that can occur in people with diabetes is easily tired, hungry, thirsty for quick fast, urinate more often than usual, itchy skin, dry mouth, and blurred vision. Setting the food intake is one of the handling in diabetics in addition to physical exercise and the giving of drugs. The restrictions to be aware of Diabetes For diabetics, food intake was very influential. This is a lis

The Causes Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer cannot be underestimated. Recorded, 18.2 percent of deaths in the world are deaths from breast cancer, both of which attacked the women as well as men. Many breast cancer patients are found in developing countries than in developed countries. The factors range from different lifestyles to the types of food consumed each day. This type of breast cancer that women can be classified into two. First, cancer that begins at the breast ducts (duct laktiferus) or better known as ductal carcinoma. This type of cancer found more than any type of cancer lobular carcinoma, which is cancer that begins from the lobulus or mammary glands. Still not known for certain what causes one can catch breast cancer. However, some experts find that the innate genetic factors became one of the common causes of a person stricken with cancer. Cancer cells are not descending from parents to children, but someone who has a certain genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) have a greater risk of developing cancer of