Difference Miom and ovarian cysts that are important to know
Miom and ovarian cysts are the two types of benign tumors in female reproductive organs, which are different but often are considered the same. Understand the difference miom and ovarian cysts can help you to recognize the symptoms and avoid the dangerous risk.
Difference miom and ovarian cyst is most recognizable from its form and its location. Miom is the growth of a benign nature of the muscle wall of the uterus. Meanwhile, ovarian cyst is a SAC containing fluid that develops in the ovary or ovaries. Ovarian cysts can grow in the ovaries part left, right, or on both ovaries.
Woman having stomachache
Ovarian cyst and Miom differences based on the causes
The exact cause of the onset of miom remains a question mark. But there are several factors that can trigger growth, among other things:
If Grandma, mother, or sister You never had the miom, you also potentially has miom.
The hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced in the ovaries can trigger growth miom.
The age of the first mentruasi too early
Research suggests women who experience first menses under 10 years of age have a higher risk of developing miom.
Unlike the miom, ovarian cysts can grow naturally in a woman's body, especially in women who were in the fertile period or is menstruating. But, the cyst will cause problems if the size is enlarged, usually on a specific disease, such as endometriosis and ovarian polisistik syndrome (PCOS).
Ovarian cyst and Miom differences based on Symptoms
Miom growth often is not detected because it does not cause symptoms, especially if the size is still small in number a little bit. Miom and ovarian cysts are usually detected accidentally, for example when the patient is undergoing an ULTRASOUND examination of the uterus. However, in certain cases, the incidence of miom can marked by bleeding from the vagina, stomach cramps, pelvic pain when menstruation, as well as frequent urination.
Just as the miom, ovarian cysts are also often does not cause symptoms at all. Symptoms that appear when the cyst enlarges and causes stomach bloating, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pain during sexual intercourse, breast pain, pain in the back or back of the thigh. If his condition is getting worse, may be accompanied by fever, weakness, as well as pelvic pain which is very annoying.
Treatment of Ovarian Cysts and Miom
Mild conditions with symptoms that are not too severe, the doctor will recommend periodic inspection to monitor the development of Ovarian cysts or Miom. But if it raises the disturbing symptoms, miom and ovarian cysts need to get treatment. For if not handled properly, the miom and ovarian cyst can cause complications such as anemia, ovarian torsion, or rupture of a cyst.
Treatment can be with miom granting hormones, such as birth control pills or hormone gonadotrophin. If the size of a large amount or miom much, it will be necessary the action miom removal surgery. Similar to the treatment of miom, ovarian cyst treatment can be done by administering hormones. If the size of the cyst is large or suspected there is cancer, it will take action.
After understanding the difference miom and ovarian cysts, you should be more alert and start applying the pattern of healthy living. Check with your doctor immediately if you feel the symptoms mentioned above. The faster the miom and ovarian cysts are detected and treated, it will lower the risk of a more severe disorder.
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