Natural cures for diabetes

Exercises play a very important role for people suffering from this kind of disease. Exercise help in controlling sugar level decreases tension, aids in weight management, enhance work capacity, and can confer a sense of control. Morning walk is very essential for a diabetic person

2. Benefits of mango leaves
Mango leaves are very tender and delicate. It is very effective and natural method to control high level of sugar glucose. We can soak say about 15-20 leaves of mango leaves in water and leave it overnight. Then we can filter this water and give it to the patient emptystomach. We can also grind the leaves convert it into a powdered form and give it the patient with water or milk empty stomack on daily basis. It controls the sugar level of a patient.

3. Diet
For a diabetic patient diat plays a very important role. A diabetic patient can controle his sugar levels mainly through dietary controls. They should be avoiding alll kind of carbohydrates foods like potato, rice, atc. The person should try and avoid sweets and caffein and all kinds of soda. They should avoid all types of high oily food and high fiber contains food. A diabetic patient should include wheat, brown, rice, barley, corn, rye, oats, buckwheat, spelt, and millet in their diet. Only unrefined products should be their included. Food restrictions are very necessary for any diabetic patient in controlling their disease.

4. Karela or Bitter Gourd
The intake of karela or bitter gourd is another good remedy for reducing sugar glucose. We can extract it juice and give it to the patient or make a dish out of it with with tangy gravy to reduce its bitterness and give it to the patient. The charantin present in bitter gourd help to reduce blood sugar levels and keeps a control.

5. Amla juice
Amla juice is the most common remedy and the intake of amla juice or indian gooseberry is very common among diabetic patients. We can grind the alma seeds into fine paste and then extract the juice of it. This kind of juice should be give to patient 2-3 times daily. Amla is enriched with high vitamin C and controls sugar levels.

6. Effectiveness of methi seeds or powder
Methi seeeds is very good remedy in controlling diabetes. We can soak 1/4 of methi seeds in water over night and then filter the water and give it to the patient. Methi could be grind into powdered form and taken with water twice daily. Such kind remedy is very effective in reducing the diabetic problems a patient suffers.

7. Jambul
Jambul another common name being jamun which is mostly prescribed by all doctors helps in controlling the sugar levels. It is very effective for pancreas. We can make powder of the dried seeds of jamun and give it to the patient twice daily with water. Jamun juice is very healthy and during season of jamun the patient should increase the intake og eating jamuns and its juices.

8. Fenugreek Leaves
These are the most recommended herbs in controlling of sugar levels among the diabetes. These leaves are very healthy and help and prevent the diabetic patient in conntrolling the symptoms of diabetes. We can soak these leaves in water overnight and then give it to the patient or we can grind these leaves into powder form and then consume it with water or milk. Fenugreek seeds are presented in all medical drugs of diabetes. The consumption of fenugreek seeds for months have shown the reduction of glucose level.


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