Cancer is killing more peope every year  and soon will be leading cause of cancer death worldwide of an estimated 22.000 person per day. One question we might ask is why was cancer so rare in the past? Another good question is why would a creator or nature design ourselves in such away that they have this tendency to become malignant which is uncontrolled growth. What you may not realize is that cancer cell are being produced in our bodies all of the time under normal circumstances, these cells are taken care of by the immune system and another mechanism in the cell. The truth then is that we always have cancer cells and it isn’t something unnatural at all. These aberrant cell are likely there for reason and probably our survival mechanism rapidly alterig genetic informmation in a stressful environment. If we look at cancer from this prespective, it would seem the reason the incidence of cancer increases, because of the numerous assaults on our body that occur now in our present environment. This includes toxins and pollution, low nutrient diet, lack of exercise stress, emotional trauma and spiritual warfare. One of the problems is how our medical system defines cancer and the methods used to treat it. I see reports of all of the cancer survival we have in this country. In the present system we identify cancer as the enemy and then immediately attack it with all the lethal means we can employ. Rarely is there any thought given to the cause looking at all the cancer survivors we get the impression. We are making progress in conquering the desease, the statisticians have conveniently added skin cancer survival rates into statistics. This gives us the impression that millions of lives are being saved. The flaw with this is skin cancer  rarely fatal. Another reason people are living longer after the diagnosis cancer is because of the intensive screening that’s going on today. We are identifying cancer earlier, sometimes diagnosing a cancer that our own immune system may have taken care of on its own. This make it seem as if the person lives longer after the diagnosis, but actually the person might die sooner due to side effects of the treatment. You can see we woud call this unnecessary treatment a success and how it would be classified as a statistical victory. The reality may have been years of productive live taken away.

Now i’ll grant you that there have been some tremendous success with modern cancer treatment but if you look at the overall mortality rates from cancer, there’s been no significant change in the past 50 years. Such little progress suggests that our trillion-dollar cancer industry is a failure. Chemotherapy treatment is used because it makes money. There many alternative cancer therapies that are likely more effective and certanly far less toxic. But they’re commonly banned by treatent by the FDA. They are banned because they’ve not gone through the houndred-millon-dollar FDA approval process. Most of the treatments that do go through this process, our man-made poisons, they killed both the cancer cells and the normal cells and they can be sold at monopoly prices and that makes back the initial investment of a houndred million. So let’s take an example here, what if an onion cured cancer? It would be banned as a treatment that your doctor could use unless someone forked over the money to get it through the approva process. So it’s very plain to see with the evil money-grubbing system we now have in place we ca never have a say inexpensive fda-approved canceled cancer therapy even though i believe they are hundreds if not thousands o potential treatment out there. Obviously it makes more sense to prevent in the first place. But the problem is there’s no big money to be made here, no complicated and expensive drug, no machine to sell, no treatment to sell. The billios of dollars of research for cancer are focsed on finding a man invented cure. Chilren’s cancer rates are rising in direct relationship to our exposure to more and more toxic chemicals. Tons of money goes into cancer research but  the chemicals that we’re exposing ourselves to and our children are unstudied, This is truly absurd. I try to take different approach with my patients focusing first on lifestyle for prevention and if cancer  is identified i don’t recommended blindly following the recommendations of those that profit from the ilness. If a cancer is large enough to be identified through symptoms or screening tests, it’s likely been in your body for a long time up to 10 years and there’s not usually an urgent need to treat it quickly. So, the first step after cancer is discovered is to do a sourvey for possible cause this would include an evaluation and treatment of nutrition, detoxification and a search for toxic emotions and stress. Next, would look for option and see if alternative cancer therapies might make sense or might be considered or may be done in addition to traditional cancer therapy. 

The unfortunate truth is if you’ve been treated with chemotherapy or radiation you have a much greater chance or getting another cancer or some other serious condition, because of the unavoidable damage to your immune system these treatments, cause the the shorting of your life as a result of this treatments is not necessarily included in all the cancer statistic that are reported. If you have a heart or died from pneumonia, it will likely not be linked your cancer therapy although if may very well be what caused it. I hope you can see the failing of our health system and how it is profoundly dangerous. If cancer is discovered in you, it will be thought of as a potentially lethal enemy that needs to be immediately treated with its removal and or aggressive poisonous tretment. Even if they’re not proven to work, your doctor or oncologist will use scare tactics to get you to use the prophet all poisonous treatments. The truth is, if you correct the cause the tumor may resolve on its own just as the multitude of another cancer cells that appeared in your body during your lifetime. It could be that taking poisons is the exact wrong thing to do. If the cause of your cancer is cells trying to mutate because of a toxic treat in your body, what do you think will happen if you pile on even more potent toxins. If any of the cancer cells survive or if new ones form they will be even more out of control when they start to grow agai. Even if the chemo or radiation kills every cancer cell there’s a good chance another cancer will start. The evidence that we’re making progress against cancer is weak. and when you take into account the data that we do get is biased towards what profitable it’s all the more apparent that we were on the wrong track. The medical industrial complex has us headed down the wrong path. I have faith that our creator did not make a mistake in the design of our body and ourselves. He didn’t include a self-destructing cell. Cancer is not the enemy, it’s a message telling us that we need to make radical change.


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