
Showing posts from October, 2017

Home remedies for Tuberculosis

1. Milk Milk is so far the best home remedy for tuberculosis. It has been found that if you are suffering from tuberculosis the amount of calcium in your blood comes down severely. If you can boost the amount of calcium this can have a boosting effect on the immune system. This can help you to fight the infection better because ultimately it is the immune system that will defeat the bacteria. This can be done by taking a lot of milk because this is the biggest source of calcium. For benefit you need to take it at least one liter of milk every day. This itself is a strong medicine for tuberculosis. 2. Custard Apple It has been found that custard apple can help to cure tuberculosis to a large extent. It has been seen that custard apple can rejuvenate the drugs that are delivered for curing tuberculosis. Naturally in conjunction with multi drug therapy custard apple can play a vital role in remission of tuberculosis. 3. Cardamom This smelly spice is a good antibiotic

Natural cures for diabetes

1.Exercise Exercises play a very important role for people suffering from this kind of disease. Exercise help in controlling sugar level decreases tension, aids in weight management, enhance work capacity, and can confer a sense of control. Morning walk is very essential for a diabetic person 2. Benefits of mango leaves Mango leaves are very tender and delicate. It is very effective and natural method to control high level of sugar glucose. We can soak say about 15-20 leaves of mango leaves in water and leave it overnight. Then we can filter this water and give it to the patient emptystomach. We can also grind the leaves convert it into a powdered form and give it the patient with water or milk empty stomack on daily basis. It controls the sugar level of a patient. 3. Diet For a diabetic patient diat plays a very important role. A diabetic patient can controle his sugar levels mainly through dietary controls. They should be avoiding alll kind of carbohydrates foods like pota

Natural cure for Colon Cancer

1. Garlic Due its rich medicinal properties, there is no doubt that garlic stands at the top of our list of natural remedies for curing colon cancer. Garlic is rich in allicin and other phytochemicals which are highly benefical in lessening inflammation, detoxifying the colon eliminating harmful chemical from the colon and flushing out all sorts of parasites, bacteria, cancer cells, etc. It also removes unwanted build up of waste. Morever, garlic is rich in fiber content and so it makes the colon strong and healthy. 2. Nettle Another important natural remedy to treat colon cancer, nettle is very effectual in eliminating any kind of body stress and making the immune system strong. A strong immune system necessary to avoid and fight colon cancer. Nettle is rich in vitamine and minerals and so it keeps the body healthy enough to fight the symptoms of colon cancer. 3. Ginger This herb is rich in compounds that prevents the growth of cancer cells, detoxifies the body, a

Natural cure for AIDS

1. Healthy Fruit and Fresh Vegetable Eating healthy fruits and vegetables aids in providing proper nutrition to the body which is very much required to fight against the desease. It is very much important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables to boost the immune system and ward off infections. For the best possible effect, try to consume raw fruits and vegetables. 2. Aloe Vera The aloe vera leaf is very rich in carrisyn, which is believed to be one of the best home remedies to boost up the immune system and stop spreading of the HIV virus 3. Lemon and Virgin Olive Oil Drink The lemon and olive oil drink is perfect for boosting up the immune system, flushing out toxins from the liver, lowering bilirubin levels, increasing bile production, increasing energy and absorbing essential nutrients from the food. To make the lemon and virgin oil drink, you  need to wash a whole lemon, cut it into 4 quarter pieces and blend it in a blender. Now, to the lemon, add one cup

Why is HIV so hard to kill?

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is a master of disguise. It has the ability to change its outer coat of proteins frequently. This quick-change act makes it hard for the immune system to recognise it and destroid it. But what makes HIV even harder to kill is that it targets one of the most important cells in the immune system for fighting infection. technically called a CD4+ cell, this cell is more commonly known as a Helper T cell. You can think of Helper T cells as the air traffic controllers of the immune system. The immune system's job is to protect the body from dangerous traitors, like cancer, and harmful intruders, like viruses and bacteria. Overlapping networks of immune cells are constanly talking to each other and coordinating their efforts. its a lot like airplanes zipping around in a busy airspace. The Helper T cells sit at the heart of many of these networks. It does things like tell one group of immune cells, the killer T cells, to target HIV and destroy it. Or Hel


Cancer is killing more peope every year   and soon will be leading cause of cancer death worldwide of an estimated 22.000 person per day. One question we might ask is why was cancer so rare in the past? Another good question is why would a creator or nature design ourselves in such away that they have this tendency to become malignant which is uncontrolled growth. What you may not realize is that cancer cell are being produced in our bodies all of the time under normal circumstances, these cells are taken care of by the immune system and another mechanism in the cell. The truth then is that we always have cancer cells and it isn’t something unnatural at all. These aberrant cell are likely there for reason and probably our survival mechanism rapidly alterig genetic informmation in a stressful environment. If we look at cancer from this prespective, it would seem the reason the incidence of cancer increases, because of the numerous assaults on our body that occur now in our present envi